Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Other Side of Leviticus

The Other Side of Leviticus
2008 Mark Patro

This piece answers, to some degree, the question ending my previous post: "Just why is one type of relationship valid and others are not?" This is the finished version, arrived at after a few revisions.


There is the disapproving religious point of view, and there is the uplifting LGBT point of view, which comes from living in a positive relationship. (The uplifting religious point of view which supports long term same-sex relationships is seldom heard.) The disapproving point of view is based on a Bible passage from Leviticus and gets most media time. The Biblical bigotry which that passage causes results in either direct or indirect violence...and recently mean-spirited denial of civil equality. This mean spirited energy is directed at gay men and lesbians in many ways.

This quilted-painted-collaged image, The Other Side of Leviticus is my personal response to how joyful a Long Term Relationship can be and how ugly and hurtful and depriving religious-motivated bigotry is in the real world. They (read it as the government or the community) want my tax money but refuse to see me as an equal citizen.

I hope this piece brings this to the attention of those who see it.

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